We are very proud of the following students and instructors for their accomplishments and celebrate their commitment to the unique human/canine bond that is forged through training.

Barb Gibson and TUGBOAT (Bernese Mountain Dog) Qualified in AKC Rally Advanced at the Collie Club of Maine's Trials in Portland.
Pam Parker and TRITON (Aussie) finished their AKC CD with a 3rd place at the Collie Club of Maine's Trials in Portland.
Marcia Welch and RIOT (Australian Shepherd) Qualified with a 2nd place in AKC Rally Advanced at the Collie Club of Maine's Trials in Portland.
Irene & TOBIN
Jeanne & KAI
Sue and ANNIE
Elizabeth and CALLIE
Marnie and MILLIE
Caitlin and CABELA

Jo Weiss and SOPHIE (All American) earned their Championship; C-ATCH in CPE Agility
Tina Olson and SHEILA (Pembroke Welsh Corgi) earned their Championship; MACH in AKC Agility
Paula Titon and TIENSHAN KAZAKHI (Chow) in Breed: went Best of Winners on Saturday in Springfield (AKC), and Best of Winners on Saturday, for a Major out of the Bred By classes.
Barb Gibson and NESSA (Bernese Mountain Dog) in Rally and Obedience: earned their AKC Rally Novice Title (RN) and a first leg toward their AKC Companion Dog Title (CD) with a 2nd Place.
Sue Wilcox and ANNIE (All American) in CPE Agility: have been working in Level 3 Standard, Colors, and Jumpers and have been "tearing up the course" - In the Ribbons in all their Qualifying Runs!
Sue West and PILOT (Belgian Tervuren) also at CPE Agility Trials: Full House Level 1 - 1st place. Jumpers Level 2 - 1st place. ECHO (Belgian Tervuren) Jackpot Level 1 - 3rd place. Full House level 1 - 1st Place.
Sue Morlan and ZEST (Belgian Tervuren) in CPE Agility: Level 2 Jackpot, Fullhouse, Jumpers, 2nd place in all 3 classes.
Marcia Welch and RIOT (Australian Shepherd) finished their AKC HERDING CHAMPIONSHIP (HC) in May, at Two Shadows Farm in West Braintree, MA.
Marcia Welch and RIOT (Australian Shepherd) earned a first CD leg in January at the Framingham District Kennel Club Trials in MA. Also at the same Trials, Riot earned a first Rally Novice leg with a 1st Place.
NOYA, (Labrador Retriever), raised by Ann Walko for Guiding Eyes for the Blind, graduated in February and is now a Working Guide Dog. Ann recently received a 7 1/2 month old male Black Lab as her next trainee!
Peggy Timoney and HARRY (Boston Terrier) - in Obedience: earned a 3rd leg with a 4th place to finish their AKC CD (Companion Dog Title) at Casco Bay Dog Training Club's Trials in April in Topsham, ME.
Peggy Timoney and HARRY (Boston Terrier) - In CPE Agility:
Level 1 Standard Title with a 1st and 2nd Place
Level 1 Handler Title; Colors 1st Place, Wildcard 1st Place
Level 1 Strategy Title; Snooker 1st Place, Jackpot 1st Place
Marcia Welch and RIOT (Australian Shepherd) - in Obedience: finished their AKC CD (Companion Dog Title) in the ribbons with legs 2 & 3 both 3rd place and earned a 3rd place Bumper leg at the shows in Springfield MA in March.
Marcia Welch and RIOT (Australian Shepherd) - in Obedience: also finished their AKC RN (Rally Novice Title) in March at the Collie Club of Maine's Trials in Portland, ME; earning all 3 legs with perfect scores. They also earned a first leg with a 3rd place in Advanced Rally at Casco Bay Dog Training Club's Trials in Topsham, ME.

Peggy Timoney and HARRY (Boston Terrier) in AKC Agility: earned a 1st place Open Jumpers Preferred leg, in June. In September they finished their Open Jumpers Preferred Title with a 1st Place in a class of 24 dogs. Harry and Peggy were the only Qualifiers!! Also, in September, this team earned a 1st Excellent Jumpers Preferred leg with another 1st place!
Sue Wilcox and ANNIE (All American) were busy in CPE Agility! Completing their Level 1 Standard, Colors, Wildcard, Snooker, Jackpot, Full House, and Jumpers. Also, Level 2 Colors, Snooker, Jumpers. All Q's in the Ribbons!
Barb Gibson and TUGBOAT (Bernese Mountain Dog) in Herding: Finished his ASCA Started Sheep title; STDs, and Started Duck title; STDd with a High Combined Other Breed Award. In AKC Agility Tugboat finished his Novice Agility Preferred (NAP) title. In AKC Tracking he earned his Tracking Dog title (TD). In AKC herding, earned a first leg in Herding Started A Course Ducks with a first place.
Ann Walko and JASEK (Labrador Retriever) earned their NW1 (NoseWork1) Title in Dighton, MA in April.
Ann Walko and JASEK (Labrador Retriever) earned their NW2 (NoseWork2) Title in Mashpee, MA in October. Jasek earned a "pronouncement" on his Interior Search!!
Peggy Timoney and HARRY (Boston Terrier) earned two legs toward their AKC CD with a 1st place and a 2nd place in Novice A at the CBDTC Obedience Trials in Topsham, Maine, in April.
Elizabeth Annand and GRACIE (German Shepherd) earned their AKC HT (herding tested) and their AKC PT (pre-trial tested) titles at the Memorial Day Trials in Central MA.
Marcia Welch and RIOT (Australian Shepherd) picked up 3 points toward their AKC HC (herding champion) title with a 2nd and a 1st in Advanced Ducks, also winning Reserve High In Trial at the Herding Trials in Lebanon, CT in May.
Marcia Welch and RIOT (Australian Shepherd) earned an additional 3 points toward their AKC HC (Herding Champion) with two 1st place wins in Advanced Ducks, also winning High In Trial, and earned 2 legs toward their Advanced Sheep title, with placements, at the Herding Trials in Central MA over Memorial Day.
May Mitchell and BERNIE (Old English Sheepdog) finished their AKC Intermediate Duck Title, winning their class twice. With this accomplishment, and others in different venues, (see his other accomplishments over the years) BERNIE earned a Silver Lifetime Achievement Award from the Old English Sheepdog Club of America.
We would like to honor YASKO (German Shepherd) belonging to Deb Braun as he retires from herding. A most excellent team! We will miss them both in training and on the trial field.
PAM PARKER and Australian Shepherd TRITON finished their ASCA Open Regular Standard Title with 3 First Place wins and a Second Place. They also finished their Open Jumpers Standard Title with a Fourth Place at the April 4th and 5th trials in NH.
Marlene Richards and HARLEY (American Pitbull Terrier) Q'd with a 1st Place in 20" Standard Level 1 at their first CPE Trials
Sue Morlan and BLADE (Belgian Tervuren) Q'd with a 1st Place in 24" Jumpers, Level 1 at the CPE Trials in November '14.
Sue Morlan and ZEST (Belgian Tervuren) Q'd with a 1st Place in all her classes at the CPE Trial in November '14; (20") Wildcard Level 1, Standard Level 1, Jumpers Level 1.
Sue Morlan and BLADE (Belgian Tervuren) Q'd in all their classes at the CPE Trial in April, '15: Q with a 2nd Place, Standard Level 1; Q'd with a 1st Place, Colors Level 1; Q with a 1st Place, Wildcard Level 1; Q with a 1st Place, Jackpot Level 1: Q with a 1st Place, Fullhouse Level 1; Q with a 1st Place, Jumpers Level 2.
Sue Morlan and AVID (Belgian Tervuren) running as a veteran won the Snooker 16" class at the CPE Trials in April.
Sue West and PILOT (Belgian Tervuren) earned their CL1-R title at the CPE Trials in April, with a Q and a 1st Place, and a Q and a 2nd Place. Also for Fun Level 1 he earned a Q and 2nd Place.
Sue West and ECHO (Belgian Tervuren) running as a veteran (16") Q'd with a 3rd Place in Standard Level 1 at the CPE Trials.
Tina Olson and SHEILA (Pembroke Welsh Corgi) finished their AKC MACH (Masters Agility Champion) title at the Collie Club of Maine Agility Trials in June.
Sarah Bodine and COMET (Visla) finished their AKC MX (Masters Agility Standard) and their MXJ (Masters Agility Jumpers.)
JUDY CHUTE and Golden Retriever RANGER won their Utility A class on both Saturday and Sunday at the Casco Bay Dog Training Club Trials in April for their first 2 legs toward their UD.
PEGGY TIMONEY AND Boston Terrier HARRY finished their Novice Rally Title at Masterpeace Dog Training in Massachusetts with a first place, and earned their first Rally Advanced Leg at the Collie Club of Maine Trials. At the Casco Bay Dog Training Club's April Trials they earned a second Advanced Rally leg and won their class.
DAWN MULCAHEY and Rottweiler ROSE earned AKC Companion Dog title with a 1st place.
LISA BEST and Miniature Poodle BRAVO received a score of 196 and a third place after a run off for their first Open A leg at Casco Bay Dog Training Club's Trials in April. They earned a second Open A leg at Masterpeace Dog Training in Massachusetts with a second place (after another run-off!)
Australian Shepherd RIOT and MARCIA earned a leg each toward their ASCA Open Jumpers title and ASCA Open Gamblers title with a third place in each at All Dog's Gym in NH.
ANN WALKO and Black Lab JASEK finished their Rally Novice title with a fourth place at Casco Bay Dog Training Club's Trials in April.
BARB GIBSON and Bernese Mountain Dog TUGBOAT earned their AHBA Junior Herding Dog title and Qualified with a first place in Novice Agility Standard Preferred at the Bernese Mountain Dog National Specialty Show.
PIXIE LAUER AND Cardigan Welsh Corgi DUDLEY earned 2 legs at their Cardigan Welsh Corgi National Specialty Show. A first place in Standard and a second place in Fast.
MARCIA's Australian Shepherd RIOT received a Rosette for his ASCNE Reserve Champion 20" Jumpers which he earned in 2013 but was presented in March, 2014.
DAWN MULCAHEY's Rottweiler, IKE, finished his Breed Championship in Springfield, MA in April.
In June, DAWN and ROSE earned 2 AKC Novice Jumpers Preferred legs with a 1st and 2nd place at the Collie Club Agility Trials.
In September, ROSE earned her AKC PT at the NESA Herding Trials. Also in September she finished her AKC Rally Excellent title with a 2nd place at Saccarappa Obedience Trials AND finished her Novice Jumpers Preferred title with a 1st place at Wachusett Kennel Club Trials.
In October ROSE finished her AKC Novice Agility Preferred title with a 1st place and earned a first AKC Open Jumpers Preferred leg, also with a 1st place at the Bullmastiff Agility Trials in NH.
DAWN MULCAHEY and IKE In April, IKE finished his AKC Breed Championship Also in April, IKE earned a first AKC Beginner Novice leg with a 2nd place at Casco Bay Trials.
In September, IKE finished his AKC Rally Novice title with a 1st Place at Sacarrappa Obedience Trials Also in September, IKE earned his AKC Herding Tested title at the NESA Herding Trials In October IKE earned a first AKC Novice Agility Preferred leg with a 1st place.
Arline Buchanan and Gracie earned their AKC CD with a 2nd place, a 1st place & High In Trial, followed by another 2nd place to finish.
Gracie moved up to Open A (her 4th time ever in the ring) and earned a 1st leg with a placement in a very deep class of 22 dogs with 7 qualifiers.
CARL WESTON and ALLIE (German Shepherd) earned their TD (Tracking Dog) Title in October. ALLIE finished the track in just a little over four minutes! CARL and ALLIE trained under the guidance of Suzanne White at Positively Best Friends! for their title.
PETER and MAGGIE (Labrador Retriever) also earned their TD (Tracking Dog) Title in October at the same tests. They also trained with Suzanne at Positively Best Friends! for their title.
MARCIA and RIOT (Australian Shepherd) finished the AKC Herding Intermediate Course A Sheep (HIAS) Title in May with a 2nd and a 3rd place.
RIOT received a TOP TEN Award from the United States Australian Shepherd Association - placing 5th - for his HIAS Title.
MARCIA and ARROW (Australian Shepherd) finished the AKC Herding Excellent Course A Sheep (HXAS) Title in May with a 3rd place.
MARCIA and RIOT (Australian Shepherd) finished the AKC Herding Excellent A Course Ducks (HXAD) Title in October with a 3rd Place.
MARCIA and JUSTICE (Australian Shepherd) passed the AKC Canine Good Citizen test (CGC) in October.
DEB BRAUN and YASKO (German Shepherd) finished the AKC Herding Started A Course Ducks (HSAD) Title in May.
Peggy Timoney and HARRY (Boston Terrier) earned a first AKC BN (Beginner Novice) leg with a 1st place in Portland, ME at the Collie Club of Maine’s Obedience Trials.
Cindee Young and LUCEE (Labrador Retriever) earned a first AKC CD leg with a 3rd place in Portland, ME at the Collie Club of Maine’s Obedience Trials.
Dawn Mulcahey and ROSE (Rottweiler) earned a 2nd AKC CD leg with a 2nd place in Portland, ME at the Collie Club of Maine’s Obedience Trials.
Susan Larsen and BRINKS (Golden Retriever) finished their AKC BN (Beginner Novice) title with a 4th place in Portland, ME at the Collie Club of Maine’s Obedience Trials.
Marcia Welch and RIOT (Australian Shepherd) earned a first leg in AKC NF (Novice FAST) Agility with a 3rd place in Amherst, NH at American K9 Country.
Marcia Welch and ARROW (Australian Shepherd) earned a first leg toward their AKC AXJ (Ecellent Jumpers) with a 1st place in Amherst, NH at American K9 Country.
Kathryn Simel and JACK (Golden Retriever) finished their AKC NA (Novice Agility) and NAJ (Novice Agility Jumpers) winning their classes in Amherst, NH at American K9 Country.
Sharon Gilbert and her three Miniature Australian Shepherds put in a good showing at the CPE Trials hosted by NEMASC on Memorial Day Weekend: RUSTY (Rusty's first Trials!); NOVICE -- 4th place/Q, Standard. 2nd place/Q, Wildcard. 2nd place/Q, Jumpers. 1st place/Q, Colors. STAR (Star's first Trials!); NOVICE - 1st place/Q, Standard. 1st place/Q, Wildcard. 1st place/Q, Colors. 2nd place/Q, Full House. BRANDI (Seasoned Agility Dog - finished her Level 4 with a Q in Jackpot) 4th/Q, Standard. 2nd place/Q, Snooker. 1st place/Q, Jumpers. Q, Full House.
Marcia Welch and ARROW (Australian Shepherd): ARROW finished his ASCA (Australian Shepherd Club of America) Open Gamblers Title(GS-O) at the Australian Shepherd Club of New England's Agility Trials in Manchester, NH with a 1st place win and a 2nd place.
Marcia Welch and RIOT (Australian Shepherd): RIOT finished his ASCA (Australian Shepherd Club of America) Novice Jumpers Title (JS-N) at the New Hampshire Trials with 2 1st place wins and a 3rd place.
Marcia Welch and HANNAH (Australian Shepherd): HANNAH finished her AKC (American Kennel Club) Course B Intermediate Duck Title (HIBD) at the NESA Herding Trials in New Braintree, MA over Memorial Day weekend. Hannah finished her title with 3 first place wins.
Marcia Welch and Arrow (Australian Shepherd): Arrow finished his AKC (American Kennel Club) Course A Advanced Sheep Title (HXAS) at the same Trials placing 2nd twice.
Marcia Welch and RIOT (Australian Shepherd): RIOT also finished his AKC (American Kennel Club) Course A Started Sheep Title (HSAS) at the Memorial Day Trials earning a 5th place and placing 2nd twice.
Lisa Best and BRAVO (Miniature Poodle) earned their NACSW NW1 (NoseWork 1) Title in Walpole, MA at Gemini Dogs (w/a “pronouncement” on their exterior and vehicle search)
Barb Gibson and TUGBOAT (Bernese Mountain Dog) earned their CGC (Canine Good Citizen) in Bath, ME with Casco Bay Dog Training Club. TUGBOAT also earned his AKC Breed Championship in PA.
Ken Sullivan and BAXTER (Bearded Collie) earned their CGC (Canine Good Citizen in Bath, ME with Casco Bay Dog Training Club.
Suzanne White and TCHI (Belgian Terveuren) finished their final legs for their AKC CD (Companion Dog) title with a 3rd place and a 4th place in Portland, ME at Saccarappa Obedience Club’s trials.
Dawn Mulcahey and ROSE (Rottweiler) earned a leg with a 1st place toward their AKC CD (Companion Dog) title in Portland, ME at Saccarappa Obedience Club’s trials.
Barb Gibson and TUGBOAT (Bernese Mountain Dog) finished their AKC RN (Rally Novice) title placing 2nd twice and 1st once. TUGBOAT also qualified for 2 legs toward his CD (Companion Dog) title placing 4th and 1st.
May Mitchell and BERNIE (Old English Sheepdog) finished their AKC RE (Rally Excellent) title in Portland, ME at Saccarappa Obedience Club’s Trials with a 3rd place. BERNIE also earned a leg toward his CD (Companion Dog) title with a 1st place.
Kathryn Simel and JACK (Golden Retriever) finished their AKC CDX in Portland, ME at Saccarappa Obedience Club’s trials.
Melissa Johnson and SLIPPER (Border Collie Mix) passed their ORT (Odor Recognition Test) for Birch in York, ME at It’s a Dog’s World.
Dina Phillips and BUBBA (Bull Mastiff) passed their NACSW ORT (Odor Recognition Test) for Anise and Clove in York, ME at It’s a Dog’s World.
Lisa Best and BRAVO (Miniature Poodle) earned their NACSW NW2 (NoseWork 2) title in Falmouth, MA and earned a “pronouncement” for exterior and vehicle searches.
Marcia Welch and RIOT (Australian Shepherd) finished their AKC NA (Novice Agility) and NAJ (Novice Agility Jumpers) titles in the ribbons.
Marcia Welch and ARROW (Australian Shepherd) finished their AKC OA (Open Agility) and OAJ (Open Agility Jumpers) titles winning all his classes. ARROW also received two USASA (United States Australian Shepherd Association) Top Ten Awards: AKC Open Agility 24” First Place 2012 and AKC Open Agility Jumpers (National) First Place 2012.
Dab Braun and YASKO (German Shepherd Dog) earned their AKC HT (Herding Tested) title and a leg toward their PT (Pre Trial Tested) title at the Labor Day Trials in Lebanon, CT.
Barb Gibson and TUGBOAT (Bernese Mountain Dog) earned their AKC HT (Herding Tested) title at the Labor Day Trials with a bumper leg in Lebanon, CT.
Steve Palmer and JR (Belgian Malinois) earned their AKC HT (Herding Tested) title at the labor Day Trials in Lebanon, CT.
Bibs and David Clifford and HEARTLY (Border Collie) passed their ORT (Odor Recognition Test) for Birch at Gemini Dogs in Hudson, MA and for Anise at It’s a Dog’s World in York, ME.
Marcia Welch and RIOT (Australian Shepherd): With limited trialing, Riot received a USASA (United States Australian Shepherd Association) Top Ten Award; AKC HSAD (Herding Started “A” Course Ducks) Second Place (National) 2012.
Marcia Welch and ARROW (Australian Shepherd) earned their NACSW NW1 (NoseWork1) title in Falmouth, MA and earned a “pronouncement” for interior search.
Marcia Welch and ARROW (Australian Shepherd) earned 2 legs toward their AKC HXAS (Herding Excellent “A” Course Sheep) both 2nd place, at the Labor Day Trials in Lebanon, CT.
Marcia Welch and HANNAH (Australian Shepherd) earned their AKC HSBD (Herding Started “B” Course Ducks) with a 1st place and earned a first leg toward her HIBD (Herding Intermediate “B” Course Ducks) with a 2nd place.
May Mitchell and BERNIE (Old English Sheepdog) earned their AKC HSAD (Herding Started “A” Course Ducks) in Stratham, NH and also earned a first AKC HSAS (Herding Started “A” Course Sheep) at the Labor Day Trials in Lebanon, CT.
Mary Tripp and JACK (Border Collie): JACK earned his ASCA (Australian Shepherd Club of America) Advanced Trial Dog on Sheep (ATDs) on 7/22/12 with a 1st and a 2nd place He earned his AKC (American Kennel Club) Intermediate Course A Duck Title (HIAD) on 9/1/12 with 2 1st place wins, a 2nd place and a 4th place. JACK also earned his AKC (American Kennel Club) Beginner Novice (BN) at the Spring Obedience Trials held by Casco Bay Dog Training Club in April of 2012. Jack earned his AKC (American Kennel Club) Herding Started Course B Duck Title on 5/27/12
Marcia Welch and ARROW (Australian Shepherd): ARROW finished his AKC (American Kennel Club) Open Standard 24" (OA) and his Open Jumpers with Weaves 24" (OAJ) in two trialing week-ends in August, in Amherst, New Hampshire. While seeking the OA title, ARROW earned 2 1st place wins and a 2nd place. For his OAJ title, ARROW received 3 1st place wins.
Marcia Welch and RIOT (Australian Shepherd): RIOT earned 2 legs toward his AKC (American Kennel Club) Novice Standard 20" (NA) and also 2 legs toward his Novice Jumpers with Weaves 20" (NAJ) at the same Trials in Amherst, New Hampshire. He received a 2nd place and a 1st place in Standard and a 2nd place and a 4th place in Jumpers with Weaves.
At the Labor Day NESA Stockdog Trials in Lebanon, CT, Marcia Welch and HANNAH (Australian Shepherd) earned a first leg toward her AKC (American Kennel Club) Course B Intermediate Duck Title (HIBD) with a 2nd place.
At the same Trials, Marcia Welch and RIOT (Australian Shepherd) finished his AKC (American Kennel Club) Course A Started Duck Title (HSAD) with a 2nd place, 2 3rd's, and a 4th place.
Marcia Welch and ARROW (Australian Shepherd) also earned 2 legs toward his AKC (American Kennel Club) Course A Advanced Sheep Title (HXAS) placing 2nd twice at the Labor Day Trials.
Ken Sullivan and BAXTER (Bearded Collie) earned their AKC HT (Herding Tested) title at the Labor Day AKC herding trials in CT and also earned the first leg of their PT (Pre-Trial) title.
Susan Larsen and BRINKS (Golden Retriever) earned a 3 Point Major at the Midcoast Shows over Labor Day week-end for a total of 12 Points toward BRINK'S Championship.
Mary Tripp and JACK (Border Collie) finished their AKC Started Ducks and Started Sheep titles, with placements, on "A" Course at the NESA (Northeast Stockdog Association) Labor Day Trials in CT.
Lisa Best and BRAVO (Miniature Poodle) completed their NACSW (National Association of Canine Scent Work) ORT (Odor Recognition Test) in Taunton, MA at Performance Plus Dog Training on Sunday, August 7th for all THREE odors. Birch, Anise, and Clove.
Marcia Welch and both HANNAH and ARROW (Australian Shepherds) completed their NACSW ORT in Taunton, MA at Performance Plus Dog Training on Sunday, August 7th for all THREE odors. Birch, Anise, and Clove.
Marion Olson and INUKSHUK (Labrador Retriever) earned their CDX with a High In Trial in June
Marcia Welch and HANNAH (Australian Shepherd) earned their AKC Herding Championship in May.
Pam Parker and TRITON (Australian Shepherd) earned an ASCNE Register of Merit Award; HERDING CHAMPION STARTED SHEEP in March
Marcia Welch and HANNAH (Australian Shepherd) earned two ASCNE Register of Merit Awards; AGILITY CHAMPION JUMPERS 16” and AGILITY CHAMPION REGULAR 16” in March.
Pat Aube and BELLA (Australian Shepherd) had a PERFECT score of 100 and earned a FIRST place in RALLY at the Collie Club of Maine Trials in February
Cindee Young and FOXEE (Pomeranian) completed their Games (CL1-F) title at the EMAC CPE Agility Trials in February
Deb Hamlyn and LUNA (Australian Shepherd) had the following placements; Q/3rd - Fullhouse, Q/1st – Standard, Q/1st – Jumpers, Q/2nd – Standard, Q/3rd – Jumpers at the EMAC CPE Agility Trials in February
Deb Hamlyn and VISION had the following placements; Q/4th – Fullhouse, Q/2nd – Standard, Q/3rd – Jumpers at the EMAC CPE Agility Trials in February
Donna Carlton and DANNY (Border Terrier) qualified for the fourth and final leg, and earned their ME (Master Earthdog) Title at the New Jersey Beanfield Club's AKC Earthdog tests in November
Donna Carlton and UNA (Border Terrier) qualified for the 2nd leg of their SE (Senior Earthdog) title at the New Jersey Beanfield Earthdog Club's AKC Earthdog Tests in November.
Donna Carlton and KRIEGER (Miniature Dachshund) qualified for the 1st and 2nd legs of their SE (Senior Earthdog) title at the New Jersey Beanfield Earthdog Club's AKC Earthdog tests in November
Marcia Welch and ARROW (Australian Shepherd) earned their ASCA Working Trial Championship in October
Mary Tripp and JACK (Border Collie) JACK earned his AKC (American Kennel Club) Herding Started Course A Duck Title (HSAD) on 9/4/2011 with 2 1st place wins and 2 5th place awards. He also earned his AKC (American Kennel Club) Herding Started Course A Sheep Title (HSAS) with 2 2nd place awards, a 4th and a 5th.
CGC Brags
On April 27th, the following teams from Positively Best Friends! earned their Canine Good Citizen Certification at the Casco Bay Dog Training Club’s CGC Test, following the Canine Good Citizen Class.
Cindee Young and LUCEE, CGC
Cindee Young and FOXEE, CGC
Peggy Timoney and HARRY, CGC
Lisa Best and BRAVO, CGC
Sausan Oakland and BEAU, CGC