Workshops and Events
To enroll in workshops or seminars please contact Marcia Welch via Gift certificates are available for that "special dog-loving someone" - contact Marcia.No workshops are currently scheduled

Eat 'n Run Agility Practice TBA
Coming Soon!
These workshops were held pre-COVID and we have had to make significant changes in our workshop offerings as a result of the pandemic. We are looking forward to being able to offer workshops and clinics again in the not-too-distant future.
Friday mini-agility clinics and pizza night with Cindy Ratner! Cost $80.00 ~ 5 -8 pm. We are excited to have Cindy back with us! Friday, February 28th (2019) from 5-8 pm. 5/3 Register early, these clinics fill fast! THANK YOU
Two Rally Obedience Workshops - Instructor, Marcia
Sunday, January 19th 10am - noon - Introduction & Overview - Intro to signs/skills
Sunday, January 27th 10 am - noon - Putting It All Together!
Both Workshops for $120.00
A fun opportunity to learn about herding - A chance to participate in an activity that is instinctual for many dogs, and also to learn how important it is to provide structure and guidance for your pup in this complex activity. THANK YOU
Indoors @ PBF in Edgecomb
Friday, April 26th 6:00 - 8:00 $40.00
This Workshop will introduce you to the "basics", as well as provide instruction on how to help your dog to prepare for;
Outdoors @ Mill Farm in Edgecomb
Sunday, May 19th 10:00 - 1:00 $60.00
(If you cannot attend the first workshop, you must schedule a private lesson before introducing your dog to stock since safety of the livestock, your dog, and YOU, are a primary consideration).
Friday mini-agility clinics and pizza night with Cindy Ratner! Cost $80.00 ~ 5 -8 pm. We are excited to have Cindy back with us for a series of fun, once-a-month mini agility clinics. Each month's clinic will feature a specific skill and PIZZA!!! The following Friday evening; 5-8 pm. 5/3 Agility Clinic, Register early, these clinics fill fast! THANK YOU
NANCY DROUKAS Obedience Workshop - Saturday, November 3rd & Sunday, November 4th. We are excitied to announce that Nancy is returning to present a fresh, FUN, perspective on Competition Obedience, help with individual problem solving, introduce new exercises, polish that ring performance! "Nancy Droukas is the President of Performance Plus Dog Training, Inc. She has been training and showing dogs since 1992. She has achieved numerous titles and awards in the United States and Canada. Her first competition dog was a 5 pound Yorkshire Terrier named Biscuit with whom she achieved a Utility Dog (UD) title…no easy feat, to be sure, but very educational. That training experience laid the foundation for her “do no harm” training philosophy and motivational techniques. She went on to achieve an Obedience Trial Champion (OTCh) title on her rescued Labrador Retriever, Abby, and has since put an OTCh on two of her Golden Retrievers, Dash and Chance. Her third Golden Retriever, Twist, earned his Utility Dog title (UD) in November, 2008 and is currently working on his OTCh title. Her fourth and fifth Golden Retrievers, Grip and Rocket are works in progress and won’t be ready for competition for awhile. Nancy is also a member of the 200 Club. Membership in this club is attained when a judge awards the team a perfect score (200) for their performance. Nancy has several 200’s to her credit. Nancy has also done a bit of retriever field training.” Nancy’s passion for dog training and pursuit of excellence along with her good humor will make for a fun, educational day for all -- Two, and four-footed, as well!! THANK YOU!
Friday mini-agility clinics and pizza nights with Cindy Ratner! Cost $70.00 ~ 5 -8 pm. We are excited to have Cindy back with us for a series of fun, once-a-month mini agility clinics. Each month's clinic will feature a specific skill and PIZZA!!! The following Friday evenings; 5-8 pm. March 30 & May 4 Register early, these clinics fill fast! THANK YOU
Eat 'n Run Agility nights: BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Eat 'n Run Agility Nights Return!! 6pm. We'll run 'til we're done!" Come in from the cold!! B-r-r-r... Enjoy good times with your best friend, greet old friends, make new friends! Cost $10/dog. Bring a yummy food item to share :-) The following Friday Evenings; 6-"whenever!" April 6th THANK YOU
Canine Good Citizen
Therapy Dog
Registration Required:THANK YOU
Total Recall Workshop Sunday, November 5th at 9:00 am - Noon.THANK YOU
Fit and Fabulous! Canine Fitness and Conditioning Workshop with Rebeccah Aube, Certified Professional Canine Fitness Trainer April 23, 2017. THANK YOU
“HAVE EWE HERD?!” Herding Clinic with Marcia Welch at Parson Creek – Saturday, November 12th. Whether you are an experienced handler or are new to the sport of herding, this is the clinic for you! Come and enjoy a FUN day in the company of other like-minded and/or curious folks! Heck! Your dog doesn't even need to be in the “herding group”! You may be asking yourself; “How will I know if my dog will like herding?” Come and find out! *It is important to know that there are basically two types of herding styles– The BORDER COLLIE working style (dogs who work with “eye and crouch”) and the UPRIGHT DOGS (“loose-eyed”). Most dogs other than border collies fall into this category and require a different approach to their training. Marcia has experience with and understands all types and breeds of dogs and owns, trains, and trials Australian Shepherds who work in the “upright, loose-eyed” style. THANK YOU!
NANCY DROUKAS Obedience Workshop - Saturday, October 22nd and Sunday, October 23rd. We are excitied to announce that Nancy is returning to present a fresh, FUN, perspective on Competition Obedience, help with individual problem solving, introduce new exercises, polish that ring performance!
"Nancy Droukas is the President of Performance Plus Dog Training, Inc. She has
been training and showing dogs since 1992. She has achieved numerous titles and
awards in the United States and Canada. Her first competition dog was a 5 pound
Yorkshire Terrier named Biscuit with whom she achieved a Utility Dog (UD)
title…no easy feat, to be sure, but very educational. That training experience laid
the foundation for her “do no harm” training philosophy and motivational
techniques. She went on to achieve an Obedience Trial Champion (OTCh) title on
her rescued Labrador Retriever, Abby, and has since put an OTCh on two of her
Golden Retrievers, Dash and Chance. Her third Golden Retriever, Twist, earned
his Utility Dog title (UD) in November, 2008 and is currently working on his OTCh
title. Her fourth and fifth Golden Retrievers, Grip and Rocket are works in
progress and won’t be ready for competition for awhile. Nancy is also a member of
the 200 Club. Membership in this club is attained when a judge awards the team a
perfect score (200) for their performance. Nancy has several 200’s to her credit.
Nancy has also done a bit of retriever field training.”
Nancy’s passion for dog training and pursuit of excellence along with her good
humor will make for a fun, educational day for all -- Two, and four-footed, as
well!! THANK YOU!
Tracking Workshop Sunday, October 16th 9:30 -3:30 $95.00 Limit 8 dogs with Suzanne White, AKC Tracking Judge. This is a multi-level Workshop. Participants can learn the process from the "ground up"! It will include an Introduction to Tracking Theory, Discussion, Practical Application (in the field) and for more advanced trackers; Review, and CROSS TRACKS!! How to handle this challenge on the track! THANK YOU!
Carting Workshop Sunday, October 2nd 9:30 - 1:00 $75.00 Limit 8 dogs with Barb Gibson, AKC Draft Judge. You and your dog will learn the basics in this introduction to drafting (carting). Overview of drafting, types of equipment, how to get started, basic skills, resources, presented in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. All dogs approximately 50 pounds and over are welcome. THANK YOU!
Find It! Fun Introduction to K9 NoseWork Workshop Sunday, September 18th 9:30 - 12:30 Cost: $65.00 Limit 8 dogs.
This morning workshop will introduce you to the basics of the sport of K9 NoseWork and give you and your dog a chance to give it a try! Focus on teaching you how to encourage and develop your dog's natural scenting abilities by using his/her natural desire to hunt and interest in food, toys, and activity. Your dog will use lots of mental and physical energy in this workshop! Based on the foundation skills of K9 detection, this workshop is taught with positive, fun, and motivational methods. THANK YOU!
Canine Fitness and Conditioning Clinic - August 14, 2016 with Rebecca Aube. Cross training and stretching for canine athletes, couch potatoes, puppies and a fun exercise program. Teach your dog body awareness, build core strength and gain confidence all while teaching new behaviors! THANK YOU!
HERDING FUN DAY WITH MARCIA! “HAVE EWE HERD?!” Herding Clinic at Parson Creek – Cost $75.00. Whether you are an experienced handler or are new to the sport of herding, this is the clinic for you! Come and enjoy a FUN day in the company of other like-minded and/or curious folks! Heck! Your dog doesn't even need to be in the “herding group”! You may be asking yourself; “How will I know if my dog will like herding?” Come and find out! *It is important to know that there are basically two types of herding styles– The BORDER COLLIE working style (dogs who work with “eye and crouch”) and the UPRIGHT DOGS (“loose-eyed”). Most dogs other than border collies fall into this category and require a different approach to their training. Marcia has experience with and understands all types and breeds of dogs and owns, trains, and trials Australian Shepherds who work in the “upright, loose-eyed” style. THANK YOU!
Friday mini-agility clinics and pizza nights with Cindy Ratner! Cost $70.00 ~ 5 -8 pm. We are excited to have Cindy back with us for a series of fun, once-a-month mini agility clinics. Each month's clinic will feature a specific skill and PIZZA!!! THANK YOU!
“HAVE EWE HERD?!” Herding Clinic with Marcia Welch at Parson Creek – November 7th & 8th @ 9:00 am Whether you are an experienced handler or are new to the sport of herding, this is the clinic for you! Come and enjoy a FUN day in the company of other like-minded and/or curious folks! Heck! Your dog doesn't even need to be in the “herding group”! You may be asking yourself; “How will I know if my dog will like herding?” Come and find out! *It is important to know that there are basically two types of herding styles– The BORDER COLLIE working style (dogs who work with “eye and crouch”) and the UPRIGHT DOGS (“loose-eyed”). Most dogs other than border collies fall into this category and require a different approach to their training. Marcia has experience with and understands all types and breeds of dogs and owns, trains, and trials Australian Shepherds who work in the “upright, loose-eyed” style.THANK YOU
“COME BYE!” Monday, Oct. 26 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm $135 One Day! Another TENLEY DEXTER Herding Clinic at Parson Creek with one of the nation's most talented and respected clinicians AND winner of the 2011 ASCA National Stockdog Finals on Sheep and Ducks! THANK YOU
BARN HUNT WORKSHOP with Andrea Scasserra
Saturday, October 24th
2 Sessions for your convenience: 9am - Noon; OR 1pm -4pm
Cost: $65.00
Come learn about the FUN, NEW, DOG SPORT that's catching on across the country! Dogs of all ages and abilities are welcome! Barn Hunt is an opportunity to encourage your dog to use his nose in a scenting activity which replicates hunting for vermin in barns, crop storage areas, and farm homes, but where the "targets" are enclosed in safe, comfortable, aerated tubes hidden in tunnels constructed of bales of hay. Barn Hunt is committed to creating a safe and fun sport for dogs, and also holds rat care at the highest level of consideration. The rats used in Barn Hunt are often beloved family pets. We hope you try it. We think you'll like it! THANK YOU
“HAVE EWE HERD?!” Herding Clinic with Marcia Welch at Parson Creek – November 7th & 8th @ 9:00 am Whether you are an experienced handler or are new to the sport of herding, this is the clinic for you! Come and enjoy a FUN day in the company of other like-minded and/or curious folks! Heck! Your dog doesn't even need to be in the “herding group”! You may be asking yourself; “How will I know if my dog will like herding?” Come and find out! *It is important to know that there are basically two types of herding styles– The BORDER COLLIE working style (dogs who work with “eye and crouch”) and the UPRIGHT DOGS (“loose-eyed”). Most dogs other than border collies fall into this category and require a different approach to their training. Marcia has experience with and understands all types and breeds of dogs and owns, trains, and trials Australian Shepherds who work in the “upright, loose-eyed” style.THANK YOU
"Go Track" Tracking clinics with Suzanne White - Ever wondered what the sport of Tracking is all about? This is a “hands-on” event, and an opportunity for your dog to take you on a tour, guided by his/her amazing scenting abilities! Suzanne’s clinics are fun and informative. June 14th, July 19th, August 23rdTHANK YOU
"Wags and Wiggles: Success with Dogs and Babies and Toddlers": How to introduce a baby to a dog - Managing Toddler and Dog interactions - Safety around Dogs FMI click here 3/22 THANK YOU
OBEDIENCE RUN THRU’S Last chance to get in some practice before CBDTC’s Trials!! Sunday, April 5th Due to one ring & limited parking, the schedule will be divided as follows: Please pre-register. A phone call or email will do AM: Utility starting @ 9:00 PM: Novice starting @ 1:00 Followed by Open. Rally will be offered following obedience – compressed courses 40x50 THANK YOU
2014“COME BYE!” Monday, October 27th @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Another One Day TENLEY DEXTER Herding Clinic at Parson Creek with one of the nation's most talented and respected clinicians AND winner of the 2011 ASCA National Stockdog Finals on Sheep and Ducks! THANK YOU
Pet First Aid October 19th 9am - 1pm
Cost: $85.00
Learn how to respond to health emergencies and provide basic first aid for the four-legged members of your family. Practice and preparation will help you to be calm and effective in an emergency, protecting you and your animal from further injury or suffering.
Course length: 4 hours. 9am to 1pm
DVD and course manual included.
Understanding basic pet owner responsibilities
Administering medicine
Managing breathing and cardiac emergencies
Managing urgent care situations
Treating wounds
Treating electrical shock
Caring for eye, foot and ear injuries
Preparing for disasters
“HAVE EWE HERD?!” Herding Clinic with Marcia Welch at Parson Creek – Saturday, October, 11th @ 9:00 am Whether you are an experienced handler or are new to the sport of herding, this is the clinic for you! Come and enjoy a FUN day in the company of other like-minded and/or curious folks! Heck! Your dog doesn't even need to be in the “herding group”! You may be asking yourself; “How will I know if my dog will like herding?” Come and find out! *It is important to know that there are basically two types of herding styles– The BORDER COLLIE working style (dogs who work with “eye and crouch”) and the UPRIGHT DOGS (“loose-eyed”). Most dogs other than border collies fall into this category and require a different approach to their training. Marcia has experience with and understands all types and breeds of dogs and owns, trains, and trials Australian Shepherds who work in the “upright, loose-eyed” style. THANK YOU
“HAVE EWE HERD?!” Herding Clinic with Marcia Welch at Parson Creek – Saturday, September 13th @ 9:00 am Whether you are an experienced handler or are new to the sport of herding, this is the clinic for you! Come and enjoy a FUN day in the company of other like-minded and/or curious folks! Heck! Your dog doesn't even need to be in the “herding group”! You may be asking yourself; “How will I know if my dog will like herding?” Come and find out! *It is important to know that there are basically two types of herding styles– The BORDER COLLIE working style (dogs who work with “eye and crouch”) and the UPRIGHT DOGS (“loose-eyed”). Most dogs other than border collies fall into this category and require a different approach to their training. Marcia has experience with and understands all types and breeds of dogs and owns, trains, and trials Australian Shepherds who work in the “upright, loose-eyed” style. THANK YOU
“HAVE EWE HERD?!” Herding Clinic with Marcia Welch at Parson Creek –Saturday, August 23rd @ 9:30 Whether you are an experienced handler or are new to the sport of herding, this is the clinic for you! Come and enjoy a FUN day in the company of other like-minded and/or curious folks! Heck! Your dog doesn't even need to be in the “herding group”! You may be asking yourself; “How will I know if my dog will like herding?” Come and find out! *It is important to know that there are basically two types of herding styles– The BORDER COLLIE working style (dogs who work with “eye and crouch”) and the UPRIGHT DOGS (“loose-eyed”). Most dogs other than border collies fall into this category and require a different approach to their training. Marcia has experience with and understands all types and breeds of dogs and owns, trains, and trials Australian Shepherds who work in the “upright, loose-eyed” style. THANK YOU
Friday mini-agility clinics and pizza nights with Cindy Ratner! Cost $70.00 We are excited to have Cindy back with us for a series of fun, once-a-month mini agility clinics. Each month's clinic will feature a specific skill and PIZZA!!! May 9, June 27th, July 25th. THANK YOU
“COME BYE!” Monday, June 2nd @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm $135 One Day! Another TENLEY DEXTER Herding Clinic at Parson Creek with one of the nation's most talented and respected clinicians AND winner of the 2011 ASCA National Stockdog Finals on Sheep and Ducks! THANK YOU
Carting Workshop with Barb Gibson, AKC Draft Judge
Saturday, May 10th
1pm to 4pm
$50.00 - ($25.00 auditors)
You and your dog will learn the basics in this introduction to drafting (carting).
Overview of drafting, types of equipment, how to get started, basic skills, resources, presented in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. All dogs approximately 50 pounds and over are welcome.
Auditors welcome!
Dogs and handlers of all ages will enjoy this workshop. THANK YOU
Friday mini-agility clinics and pizza nights with Cindy Ratner! Cost $70.00
We are excited to have Cindy back with us for a series of fun, once-a-month mini agility clinics. Each month's clinic will feature a specific skill and PIZZA!!!
January 24th
February 21st
March 21st THANK YOU
SPRING FEVER SPORTS SAMPLER! with Marcia - Sunday, April 27th 10am - 3pm $80.00 - limit 10 dogs. Includes lunch. Prerequisite; dogs must have basic skills in obedience and get along well with dogs and people. A Spring Sports Sampler - This workshop will introduce the basic elements of: Agility, Rally, NoseWork, and Canine Musical Freestyle. THANK YOU
CABIN FEVER RELIEVER - CURE FOR THE WINTER DOLDRUMS!Sunday, February 16th 9:30 - Noon; and Sunday, February 23rd 9:30 - Noon $80.00 Limit 8 dogs. A Sports Sampler - This (2 morning) Workshop will introduce the basic elements of: Agility, Rally, NoseWork, and Canine Musical Freestyle. Come in out of the cold and warm up with your best friend! THANK YOU
VETIQUETTE! (Doggie etiquette at the vet's)
Saturday, February 1st 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
$40.00 Limit 6 dogs -- Auditors (unlimited) $20.00
Does your dog become stressed when you visit the veterinarian? Would you like to prepare your dog for various procedures which they will most likely encounter while they are there? Help your dog to remain calm during a visit to the vet's office through the application of various conditioning exercises, the use of different training aids, and hints, tips, and pointers from the experts. THANK YOU
Open House to celebrate the New Year at Positively Best Friends! Sunday, January 5th "THANK YOU"
RABIES CLINIC with Dr. Tammy Doughty, Woodbrook Animal Clinic Saturday, January 11th 1:00 - 3:00 Profits will go to the Lincoln County Animal Shelter "THANK YOU"
2013 NANCY DROUKAS Obedience Workshop - ONE DAY ONLY! Saturday, December 7th. We are excitied to announce that Nancy is returning to present a fresh, FUN, perspective on Competition Obedience, help with individual problem solving, introduce new exercises, polish that ring performance!
"Nancy Droukas is the President of Performance Plus Dog Training, Inc. She has
been training and showing dogs since 1992. She has achieved numerous titles and
awards in the United States and Canada. Her first competition dog was a 5 pound
Yorkshire Terrier named Biscuit with whom she achieved a Utility Dog (UD)
title…no easy feat, to be sure, but very educational. That training experience laid
the foundation for her “do no harm” training philosophy and motivational
techniques. She went on to achieve an Obedience Trial Champion (OTCh) title on
her rescued Labrador Retriever, Abby, and has since put an OTCh on two of her
Golden Retrievers, Dash and Chance. Her third Golden Retriever, Twist, earned
his Utility Dog title (UD) in November, 2008 and is currently working on his OTCh
title. Her fourth and fifth Golden Retrievers, Grip and Rocket are works in
progress and won’t be ready for competition for awhile. Nancy is also a member of
the 200 Club. Membership in this club is attained when a judge awards the team a
perfect score (200) for their performance. Nancy has several 200’s to her credit.
Nancy has also done a bit of retriever field training.”
Nancy’s passion for dog training and pursuit of excellence along with her good
humor will make for a fun, educational day for all -- Two, and four-footed, as
well!! "THANK YOU!"
“HAVE EWE HERD?!” Herding Clinic with Marcia Welch at Parson Creek – Saturday, November 16th, 9am - 4pm Whether you are an experienced handler or are new to the sport of herding, this is the clinic for you! Come and enjoy a FUN day in the company of other like-minded and/or curious folks! Heck! Your dog doesn't even need to be in the “herding group”! You may be asking yourself; “How will I know if my dog will like herding?” Come and find out! *It is important to know that there are basically two types of herding styles– The BORDER COLLIE working style (dogs who work with “eye and crouch”) and the UPRIGHT DOGS (“loose-eyed”). Most dogs other than border collies fall into this category and require a different approach to their training. Marcia has experience with and understands all types and breeds of dogs and owns, trains, and trials Australian Shepherds who work in the “upright, loose-eyed” style."THANK YOU!"
"Get on track!" October 20th with Suzanne White, AKC Tracking Judge Ever wondered what the sport of Tracking is all about? This is a “hand’s-on” event, and an opportunity for your dog to take you on a tour, guided by his/her amazing scenting abilities! Suzanne’s clinics are fun and informative. Classroom presentation will take place at our facility in Edgecomb. Practical Application at the the beautiful fields of the Damariscotta Land Trust. "THANK YOU!"
Monday, October 28th 4th 8:30 am – 5:00 pm $135 “COME BYE!” One Day! Another TENLEY DEXTER Herding Clinic at Parson Creek with one of the nation's most talented and respected clinicians AND winner of the 2011 ASCA National Stockdog Finals on Sheep and Ducks! "THANK YOU!"
SUMMER TRACKING CLINICS ~ Sunday, August 8th and Sunday, September 15th
Get on track! with Suzanne White, AKC Tracking Judge
Ever wondered what the sport of Tracking is all about? This is a “hand’s-on” event, and an opportunity for your dog to take you on a tour, guided by his/her amazing scenting abilities! Suzanne’s clinics are fun and informative. Classroom presentation will take place at our facility in Edgecomb. Practical Application at the the beautiful fields of the Damariscotta Land Trust. "THANK YOU"
Obedience Show and Go Sunday, March 17th “Practice your ring routines under show-like conditions! Put your training to the test! Fun! Food! Friends!” THANK YOU!
Canine Musical Freestyle with Marcia Welch Sunday, February 17th, 9:00 – Noon Cost $60.00 THANK YOU!
Rabies Clinic Wednesday, November 14th 6pm
Dr. Tammy Doughty, Woodbrook Animal Clinic will be on site to provide LOW COST Rabies Vaccines for dogs and cats. Profits to go to Lincoln County Animal Shelter. THANK YOU!
Tracking Clinic w/Suzanne White Sunday, Nov. 18th. Last one of the 2012 Tracking Season Series! $95.00
Get on track!...with Suzanne White, AKC Tracking Judge
Ever wondered what the sport of Tracking is all about? This is a “hand’s-on” event, and an opportunity for your dog to take you on a tour, guided by his/her amazing scenting abilities! Suzanne’s clinics are fun and informative. Classroom presentation will take place at our facility in Edgecomb. Practical Application the beautiful Damariscotta River Association fields just 15 minutes away”. THANK YOU!
Obedience Workshop with Nancy Droukas Sunday, December 2nd
9AM to 4PM
Come! Sit! Stay! (Enjoy!) Another FUN, fast paced, motivational Workshop with NANCY DROUKAS, Performance Plus, Inc., Member of the "200" (perfect score) Club and a trainer who has multiple OTCH's (obedience trial champions) to her credit. THANK YOU!
Find It!
Introduction to K9 NoseWork Workshop with Marcia Welch - Sunday December 9th 9:30 – 12:30 $60.00
K9 NoseWork! The new, fun, SCENTsational dog sport/activity sweeping the country! This workshop focuses on teaching you how to encourage and develop your dog’s natural scenting abilities by using their desire to hunt and their love of toys food and exercise. THANK YOU!
TRACKING CLINIC – Sunday, September 16th
Get on track!...with Suzanne White, AKC Tracking Judge
Ever wondered what the sport of Tracking is all about? This is a “hand’s-on” event, and an opportunity for your dog to take you on a tour, guided by his/her amazing scenting abilities! Suzanne’s clinics are fun and informative. Classroom presentation will take place at our facility in Edgecomb. Practical Application at the beautiful Mitchell Homestead fields in Alna, just 20 minutes away. THANK YOU!
“HAVE EWE HERD?!” Herding Clinic with Marcia Welch at Parson Creek – Saturday, September 22nd 9am - 4pm
Whether you are an experienced handler or are new to the sport of herding, this is the clinic for you! Come and enjoy a FUN day in the company of other like-minded and/or curious folks! Heck! Your dog doesn't even need to be in the “herding group”! You may be asking yourself; “How will I know if my dog will like herding?” Come and find out!
*It is important to know that there are basically two types of herding styles– The BORDER COLLIE working style (dogs who work with “eye and crouch”) and the UPRIGHT DOGS (“loose-eyed”). Most dogs other than border collies fall into this category and require a different approach to their training. Marcia has experience with and understands all types and breeds of dogs and owns, trains, and trials Australian Shepherds who work in the “upright, loose-eyed” style. THANK YOU!
TRACKING CLINIC – Sunday, July 8th
Get on track!...with Suzanne White, AKC Tracking Judge
Ever wondered what the sport of Tracking is all about? This is a “hand’s-on” event, and an opportunity for your dog to take you on a tour, guided by his/her amazing scenting abilities! Suzanne’s clinics are fun and informative. Classroom presentation will take place at our facility in Edgecomb. Practical Application at the beautiful Mitchell Homestead fields in Alna, just 20 minutes away. THANK YOU!
"Get Over It!" Agility Workshop with Cindy Ratner Friday, July 27th 5:30-8:30
Contacts, weaves, jumping and handling skills. A fun, full day of helpful hints, tips, and training with Cindy! For Intermediate and Advanced dog and handler teams. THANK YOU!
"Me and My Best Friend!" -- Summer Dog Daze Kidz Kamp!
Sunday, July 22nd 9:00 - 11:00
Thursday, July 26th 9:00 - 11:00
Thursday, August 9th 9:00 - 11:00
Sunday, August 19th 9:00 - 11:00
Cost $45.00 each session (day) Limit 8 participants per session (day)
KIDS AND DOGS are a terrific natural combination! These sessions are
designed to entertain, educate, and also to strengthen the bond between
your child and your family pet. Some of the many fun activities will be;
Agility, Games, and Tricks. Also included will be Focus Skills, Manners,
and Dog Safety.
Children must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult. THANK YOU!
“HAVE EWE HERD?!” Herding Clinic with Marcia Welch at Parson Creek – Saturday, July 28th 9am - 4pm
Whether you are an experienced handler or are new to the sport of herding, this is the clinic for you! Come and enjoy a FUN day in the company of other like-minded and/or curious folks! Heck! Your dog doesn't even need to be in the “herding group”! You may be asking yourself; “How will I know if my dog will like herding?” Come and find out!
*It is important to know that there are basically two types of herding styles– The BORDER COLLIE working style (dogs who work with “eye and crouch”) and the UPRIGHT DOGS (“loose-eyed”). Most dogs other than border collies fall into this category and require a different approach to their training. Marcia has experience with and understands all types and breeds of dogs and owns, trains, and trials Australian Shepherds who work in the “upright, loose-eyed” style. THANK YOU!
“RESCUE ME!” – Sunday, June 24th @ 4:30 – No cost - Sponsored by The Animal House
Dr. Donald Hoenig, the Maine State Veterinarian will be presenting a seminar on responsible rescue and importation of pets. The seminar will be geared towards those interested in identifying a reputable rescue and those interested in animal welfare. This seminar will be held at the Boothbay Road Campus. THANK YOU!
Monday, June 4th 8:30 am – 5:00 pm $105 “COME BYE!” One Day! Another TENLEY DEXTER Herding Clinic at Parson Creek with one of the nation's most talented and respected clinicians AND winner of THIS YEAR'S (2011) ASCA National Stockdog Finals on Sheep and Ducks! Congratulations, Tenley!! THANK YOU!
Sunday, May 20th 9:00 am – 4:00 pm $85.00 FINALLY! A herding clinic for the Upright Dogs!*
“HAVE EWE HERD?!” Herding Clinic with Marcia Welch at Parson Creek. Whether you are an experienced handler or are new to the sport of herding, this is the clinic for you! Come and enjoy a FUN day in the company of other like-minded and/or curious folks! Heck! Your dog doesn't even need to be in the “herding group”! You may be asking yourself; “How will I know if my dog will like herding?” Come and find out!
*It is important to know that there are basically two types of herding styles– The BORDER COLLIE working style (dogs who work with “eye and crouch”) and the UPRIGHT DOGS (“loose-eyed”). Most dogs other than border collies fall into this category and require a different approach to their training.
Marcia has experience with and understands all types and breeds of dogs and owns, trains, and trials Australian Shepherds who work in the “upright, loose-eyed” style. THANK YOU!
Sunday, May 13th , Sunday, June 10th, Sunday, July 8th “GET ON TRACK!” Tracking Clinic Spring & Summer Series with Suzanne White, AKC Tracking Judge - Ever wondered what the sport of Tracking is all about? This is a “hand’s-on” event, and an opportunity for your dog to take you on a tour, guided by his/her amazing scenting abilities! Suzanne’s clinics are fun and informative. You can pick up where you left off last year with Suzanne’s Clinics or start a new dog, if you have never tried TRACKING with your dog! THANK YOU!
“SHELTER ME!” with Marcia Welch -- Thursday, May 10th @ 10:00 a.m. No Cost– A Workshop for Lincoln County Animal Shelter Staff and Volunteers. Focus: Clicking to Calm; helping dogs to become better candidates for adoption by shaping appropriate behaviors. THANK YOU!
New Workshop Date: Sunday, April 8th for Intermediate and Advanced handlers
"Get Over It!" AGILITY WORKSHOPS with Cindy Ratner
Friday, March 30th 5:30pm - 8:30pm $70.00 -- Cindy will be covering "THE BASICS" for Beginners. Come and find out how to get a "jump" on your dog's agility career!
Sunday, April 1st 9:30am - 4:30pm $125.00 -- Contacts, weaves, jumping and handling skills. A fun, full day of helpful hints, tips, and training with Cindy! For Intermediate and Advanced dog and handler teams.
OBEDIENCE WORKSHOP - Saturday March 17th and Sunday, March 18th
to 4PM
Cost $195.00
Come! Sit! Stay! (Enjoy!) Another FUN, fast paced, motivational Workshop
with NANCY DROUKAS, Performance Plus, Inc., Member of the "200" (perfect
score) Club and a trainer who has multiple OTCH's (obedience trial
champions) to her credit. To learn more about Nancy and her accomplishments, visit her
website THANK YOU!
Freestyle Workshop with Diana Logan
February 18, 2012
1pm - 4pm
Canine Musical Freestyle
Cost $70.00
"Tricks + Communication + Movement + Creativity + Music + FUN = Freestyle"
This is how Diana Logan describes Canine Musical Freestyle!
She says "Freestyle is the perfect blend of all of the above and there’s no end to what is
possible. Freestyle is FREEDOM of movement. Side passing, backing up, spinning,
weaving, close heeling, directional changes, jumping…these are but a few movements in
Canine Freestyle. If you are like me, you aren’t skilled at dancing, but if your dog is like
most dogs, he’s a talented dancer and will relish what freestyle has to offer."
Join Diana Logan at Positively Best Friends! for a fun morning with YOUR best friend! THANK YOU!
Ho!Ho!Ho! Holiday photos for the pups!with Suzanne White, Professional Photographer You must book your appointment in advance to insure that things run smoothly and to obtain the best possible photos of your dog. Sunday, Dec. 4 at 10 AM THANK YOU!
HERDING CLINIC Monday, October 31st - One Day! Come By! Another TENLEY DEXTER Herding Clinic at Parson Creek with one of the nation's most talented and respected clinicians AND winner of THIS YEAR'S (2011) ASCA National Stockdog Finals on Sheep and Ducks! Congratulations, Tenley!! THANK YOU!
TRACKING CLINIC Sunday, November 5th Get on Track! Fall Tracking Clinic with Suzanne White, AKC Tracking Judge. Build on previous skills for experienced handlers. Beginners welcome! THANK YOU!
OBEDIENCE WORKSHOP - Saturday November 12th and Sunday, November 13th Come! Sit! Stay! (Enjoy!) Another FUN, fast paced, motivational Workshop with NANCY DROUKAS, Performance Plus, Inc., Member of the "200" (perfect score) Club and a trainer who has multiple OTCH's (obedience trial champions) to her credit. THANK YOU!
Next tracking clinic Sunday, Sept. 11th- Continue to work with AKC Tracking judge Suzanne White. More complexity will be added to tracks. Corners, aging, changes in cover, length, cross tracks. THANK YOU!
HERDING CLINIC at Parson Creek – Saturday, August 27th
That’ll Do!...With Marcia Welch
Hosted by: Yankee Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club
Tricks 'n Treats Workshop with Diana Logan Saturday, August 13th, 9AM - Noon. THANK YOU!
Intermediate Tracking Clinic Sunday, July 31st.
Another FUN tracking clinic with Suzanne White
OBEDIENCE WORKSHOP – Saturday, March 19th and Sunday, March 20th
Come! Sit! Stay! (Enjoy!)…with Nancy Droukas, Performance Plus, Inc.
This fast-paced seminar is all about fun, motivation, and positive reinforcement for both dogs and handlers! Nancy has multiple OTCH’s (Obedience Trial Champions) to her credit and is a member of the “200” (perfect score) Club. (Co-hosted with Casco Bay Dog Training Club)
TRACKING CLINIC – Sunday, May 15th
Get on track!...with Suzanne White, AKC Tracking Judge
Ever wondered what the sport of Tracking is all about? This is a “hand’s-on” event, and an opportunity for your dog to take you on a tour, guided by his/her amazing scenting abilities! Suzanne’s clinics are fun and informative. Classroom presentation will take place at our facility in Edgecomb. Practical Application at the beautiful Mitchell Homestead fields in Alna, just 20 minutes away.
HERDING CLINIC at Parson Creek – Monday, June 6th
Have ewe herd?! … with Tenley Dexter
This Clinic is for advanced dogs and handlers. Auditors are welcome. It is a rare opportunity to learn about and observe the fascinating interaction of three different species in this relationship-based activity, taught by one of the nation’s most talented and respected clinicians and competitors.
Featuring an “Introduction to Herding” by Marcia Welch THANK YOU!
Intermediate Tracking Clinic Sunday, June 19th
Get on track!...with Suzanne White, AKC Tracking Judge
Ever wondered what the sport of Tracking is all about? This is a “hand’s-on” event, and an opportunity for your dog to take you on a tour, guided by his/her amazing scenting abilities! Suzanne’s clinics are fun and informative. Classroom presentation will take place at our facility in Edgecomb. Practical Application at the beautiful Mitchell Homestead fields in Alna, just 20 minutes away.
Thank You!
Rabies Clinic w/Dr. Tammy Doughty, Woodbrook Animal Clinic.
Thank You!